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When Do You Need a Root Canal Retreatment?

A root canal, also known as endodontic treatment is a dental procedure that ultimately helps save an infected and painful natural tooth. It consists of removing the infected pulp that causes inflammation and pain, and then cleaning and filling the empty space with dental cement. According to the American Association of Endodontists, a treated tooth may fail to heal properly or may develop new issues including a tooth abscess/infection months or years after a root canal treatment. A root canal retreatment is an additional procedure offering a second chance to save your tooth and avoid having it extracted.

If you are an LA resident and you’re suddenly experiencing pain in a tooth that has been treated, then it’s important to choose an experienced and trusted endodontist who specializes in root canal retreatment Los Angeles because this procedure is even more challenging than root canal treatment. Using X-rays, the endodontics specialist will examine the painful tooth to determine if retreatment is the right option for you. Keep in mind that a properly retreated root canal can allow your tooth to last even a lifetime. The expertise and experience of the endodontist play an important role in a successful outcome. If retreatment is not an option, then your endodontist may recommend endodontic surgery or apicoectomy. The only alternative to surgery is the extraction of the affected tooth to prevent the infection from spreading.

There are several reasons why a tooth doesn’t heal after the initial root canal including delayed placement of the dental crown or another type of restoration after a root canal, salivary contamination to the interior of the tooth, and the fact that curved or very narrow canals were not treated during the initial procedure. New issues that may call for retreatment include a tooth fracture and a new tooth infection caused by new decay that exposes the root canal filling to bacteria or by a broken/loose/cracked filling or crown.

Being a more difficult procedure than the initial root canal, the cost of retreatment is higher than the first treatment, but your dental insurance may cover all or part of the cost. If you or a loved one is experiencing pain or discomfort in a previously treated tooth, do not hesitate to get in touch with the trusted and experienced endodontists at West LA Endodontics by calling (310) 651-7800 or by filling out the online contact form to book an appointment with one of the best root canal retreatment specialists in LA.